
Aboriginal people with mental and cognitive disabilities in the criminal justice system

This project addresses the high over-representations of Indigenous persons with mental health and cognitive disabilities in Australian criminal justice systems.

Indigenous leaders: lawful relations from encounter to treaty

This project aims to draw together history, law and the creative arts to recover, make visible and make accessible the continuous traditions of Indigenous people’s leadership in conducting lawful r

Recognition after Uluru: what next for First Nations?

This project aims to examine the extent to which Australia’s system of government appropriately serves and represents the interests of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders’ participation in political parties

While the number of elected Indigenous representatives has increased over the past two decades, we know little about their pathways to candidature, which parties they stand for, the winnability of

Yarrabah Counts – Policy, planning, population, measures & monitoring.

Community development is an approach commonly used amongst Aboriginal communities in Australia to identify priorities for advancement (Snijder et al. 2015).

Still Here: Sovereignty and the Queensland Aboriginal community controlled sector

This project explores how Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities have exercised control through community sector organisations.

“Waka Ngurrkanhayngu”: Regenerating the existence of life Reducing the risk of natural and social disasters – reviving and strengthening Indigenous law, culture and governance in remote Indigenous communities

Reducing disaster risks is an urgent priority. Especially in Northern Australia substantial natural processes seriously threaten human health and life, and bear enormous environmental, social

“It puts a human face on the researched” – A qualitative evaluation of an Indigenous health research governance model

Objective: To describe the Inala Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community Jury for Health Research, and evaluate its usefulness as a model of Indigenous research governance within an urban I

Ngarrindjeri Yarluwar-Ruwe Program

The Ngarrindjeri Yarluwar-Ruwe Program provides a culturally appropriate and strategic mechanism for the facilitation of Ngarrindjeri engagement in the integrated management of Murrundi (River Murr