Traditional health

Our country, our healer: exploring the traditional lithotherapeutics of the Aboriginal pharmacopoeia

Aboriginal people of the Greater Hunter region of New South Wales had access to two exceptional geological formations, which provided them with access to valuable mineral resources.

Antenatal screening for fetal anomalies in Indigenous women: views of Indigenous people and their health care providers

This project aims to investigate the views of Indigenous women, their families and health service providers about antenatal screening tests for abnormalities like Down syndrome.

The case for a Torres Strait Islander driven, long-term research agenda for environment, health and wellbeing

This project aims to investigate how Torres Strait Islanders use context-specific local knowledge and research evidence to address environmental sustainability challenges.

The role of First Nations’ music as a determinant of health

First Nations' People's well-being is a national priority.

An ethnographic study of the meaning of cancer to Aboriginal Women

The purpose of the study was to explore why Aboriginal women participate in cancer screening programs but appear reluctant to following-up results, or accept medical advice about treatment.

“I feel more comfortable speaking to a male”: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander men’s discourse on utilizing primary health care services

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander men have the highest morbidity and mortality rates, and lowest rates of health service utilization in Australia.