Molecular epidemiology of infection in Aboriginal communities

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Destructive diseases of the gum tissue are known to be profoundly affected by modifying factors including systemic diseases such as diabetes, socio-economic conditions and the lack of effective control of microbial accumulation at the gum margin. This investigation will examine the hypothesis that a limited number of pathogenic bacterial strains, defined by quantitative molecular probe analysis, persist in or re-infect individuals to maintain a high disease burden in the presence of adverse modifying factors that prevail in isolated, disadvantaged Aboriginal communities.


Pattern of distribution of Prevotella species / phylotypes associated with health gingiva and periodontal disease
Journal article
M A Nadkarni, G V Browne, J-L Chhour, R Byun, K-A Nguyem, CC Chapple, N A Jacques, N Hunter
European journal of clinical microbiology & infectious diseases : official publication of the European Society of Clinical Microbiology
Publication date
Age-dependent changes in Porphyromonas gingivalis and Prevotella species / phylotypes in healthy gingiva and inflamed / diseased sub-gingival sites
Journal article
M A Nadkarni, K-L Chhour, G V Browne, R Byun, K-A Nguyen, C C Chapple, N A Jacques, N Hunter
Clinical Oral Investigations
Publication date