Securing the essential: assisting Indigenous communities and their service providers to sustainably manage water and energy supply

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Griffith University

The provision of water and energy supplies to remote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities is a critical challenge for service providers. This project uses a novel unobtrusive smart metering system, aligned with culturally appropriate consultation with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, to reveal patterns of household water and water related-energy consumption. Significantly, the research aims to identify effective behavioural and technological water and energy efficiency strategies in three remote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities in Queensland, Northern Territory and Western Australia. A key outcome is to provide an adaptive evidence-based and community-driven handbook to facilitate the secure long-term supply and efficient use of energy and water resources in remote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.


Community-based water demand management: socio-technical strategies for improving water security in Australian Indigenous communities
Journal article
Beal, C.D., Bailey, M.S., Hohenhaus, M. and Jackson, M.,
Environmental Research: Infrastructure and Sustainability
Publication date
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Original content from this work may be used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 licence. Any further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the title of the work, journal citation and DOI
Collaborating for Sustainable Water and Energy Management: Assessment and Categorisation of Indigenous Involvement in Remote Australian Communities
Journal article
Jackson M, Stewart RA, Fielding KS, Cochrane J, Beal CD.
Publication date
Rights notice
Identifying and understanding the drivers of high water consumption in remote Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island communities
Journal article
Cara D. Beal, Melissa Jackson, Rodney A. Stewart, Cail Rayment, Adrian Miller
Journal of Cleaner Production
Publication date
Rights notice
© 2017 published by Elsevier. This manuscript is made available under the Elsevier user license