Yarning with our mob about human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination uptake.

Start date
Research partner(s)
Charles Darwin University

This project aims to identify a range of modifiable factors that affect the participation of Indigenous adolescents in human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination school programs. The project expects to generate new knowledge by combining Indigenous methodologies and a socioecological model to explore policy, community, interpersonal and intrapersonal factors impacting HPV vaccination uptake for this population. Expected outcomes include a more comprehensive understanding of the factors behind the low rates of HPV vaccination among Indigenous adolescents. This information should provide significant benefits including the identification of modifiable factors to increase HPV vaccination rates for Indigenous adolescents.


Study protocol: Yarning about HPV Vaccination: a qualitative study of factors influencing HPV vaccination among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander adolescents in Australia
Journal article
Whop LJ, Butler TL, Brotherton JML, et al
BMJ Open
Publication date
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© Author(s) (or their employer(s)) 2021. Re- use permitted under CC BY- NC. No commercial re-use. See rights and permissions. Published by BMJ.