Time-layered cultural map of Australia

Start date
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Research partner(s)
University of Newcastle

The Time-layered cultural map (TLCMap) of Australia is an online research platform that will deliver researcher driven national-scale infrastructure for the humanities, focused on mapping, time series, and data integration. The TLCMap will expand the use of Australian cultural and historical data for research through sharply defined and powerful discovery mechanisms, enabling researchers to visualise hidden geographic and historical patterns and trends, and to build online resources which present to a wider public the rich layers of cultural data in Australian locations. TLCMap is not a singular project or software application with a defined research outcome, but infrastructure linking geo-spatial maps of Australian cultural and historical information, adapted to time series and will be a significant contribution to humanities research in Australia. For researchers, it will transform access to data and to visualisation tools and open new perspectives on Australian culture and history. For the public, it will enable increased accessibility to historical and cultural data through visualisations made available online and in print.


First Australians
Bill Pascoe
Publication date
Not listed.
Towards a National Data Architecture for Cultural Collections: Designing the Australian Cultural Data Engine
Journal article
R. Fensham et. al
Digital Humanities Quarterly
Publication date
Rights notice
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.