Policy orientation of non-health sectors to social determinants of health

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Research partner(s)
Flinders University
University of Sydney
Curtin University
University of Liverpool
South Western Sydney Local Health District
The South Australian Department of Health
Yadu Health Aboriginal Corporation

This project aims to advance understanding of how Australian government policies in four sectors (justice, environment, planning, and industry) are oriented to action on social determinants of health equity (SDHE), including Indigenous health. Evidence shows that government policy in all sectors affects health. The World Health Organization and the United Nations have called for whole-of-government approaches to SDHE. The project plans to apply theory to understand how policy values and strategies in the selected sectors provide for or present barriers to this approach. Expected project outcomes will produce evidence for policy-makers on how to strengthen policy coherence across sectors to address SDHE more effectively in order to promote Australian health and reduce health inequities.

Two key policies were identified as setting the overarching principles, goals, and strategies for Victorian justice sector action on Indigenous crime prevention and reduced incarceration at the time of our research: The Aboriginal Justice Agreement Phase 3:A Partnership Between the Victorian Government and Koori Community(AJA3),and Mingu Gadhaba: Beginning Together—Koori Inclusion Action Plan(Mingu Gadhaba). Koori is an Indigenous term for Aboriginal people in Victoria. This article is thus based upon a qualitative analysis of these two policies. AJA3 was developed as an updated version of previous agreements. Mingu Gadhabawas developed to extend commitments in the Victorian Government Aboriginal Inclusion Framework into the justice sector. Aboriginal policy actors and community representatives in Victoria were involved in development of both policies.


Applying crime prevention and health promotion frameworks to the problem of high incarceration rates for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander populations: Lessons from a case study from Victoria
Journal article
Samantha Battams, Toni Delany-Crowe, Matt Fisher, Lester Wright, Anthea Krieg, Dennis McDermott, Fran Baum
International Indigenous Policy Journal
Publication date
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License.