Archaeology and Natural History

Start date
Research partner(s)
Griffith University

This project aims to provide critical new information on the archaeology and natural history of one of the world’s largest unregulated desert river systems. Mithaka country incorporates the highly significant Channel Country on the eastern edge of Australia's arid centre. Preliminary research has identified more than 70 large site complexes that provide critical insights on how the Mithaka people adapted to this unique environment and took part in Australia's most extensive long distance trade systems. The project will study the archaeological landscape, artefacts and an extensive in-situ skeletal record in the context of a detailed palaeoenvironmental study. It will provide a new cultural-environmental history of this landscape and provide the Mithaka with multiple strands of connection to their ancestral land and culture and support their aspirations to create employment through rangers programs, education and cultural tourism.


Gilparrka Almira, a rock art site in Mithaka Country, southwest Queensland: Cultural Connections, Dreaming tracks and Trade Routes
Journal article
Franklin, Natalie R., Giorgi, Marisa, Habgood, Phillip J., Wright, Nathan, Gorringe, Josh, Gorringe, Betty, Gorringe, Brett, and Westaway, Michael C.
John Wiley and Sons
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