Victorian Government Aboriginal Affairs Report

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Each year, the Victorian Government Aboriginal Affairs Report is a chance to consider how the Victorian Government has tracked against commitments to improving outcomes for Aboriginal Victorians as measured against the Victorian Aboriginal Affairs Framework. It’s also an important opportunity to recognise the achievements and strengths of Victorian Aboriginal communities.

The Report sets out how government is working to realise the Victorian Aboriginal Affairs Framework’s 20 goals across 6 domains:

  • Children, family & home
  • Learning & skills
  • Opportunity & prosperity
  • Heath & wellbeing
  • Justice & safety
  • Culture & Country.

The Report also outlines ongoing work across the Victorian Government to progress First Peoples’ self-determination in line with the Self-Determination Reform Framework. Under this framework, Victorian Government departments and agencies are continuing to reform internal processes, practices and policies to better enable Aboriginal self-determination. This includes Victoria’s path to Truth and Treaty. The First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria has been operating effectively for four years as the independent body representing First Peoples in Victoria’s Treaty process. Treaty will be informed by the Yoorrook Justice Commission’s historic truth-telling. 

Reports are tabled in Parliament in June each year.


Victorian Government Aboriginal Affairs Report
Final report 
Department of Premier and Cabinet (Vic)
Publication date
Rights notice
This work is licensed under a Creative
Commons Attribution 4.0 international licence
It is a condition of this licence that you credit
the State of Victoria as author
Victorian Aboriginal Affairs Framework
Final report 
Department of Premier and Cabinet (Vic)
Publication date
Rights notice
This work is licensed under a Creative
Commons Attribution 4.0 international licence
It is a condition of this licence that you credit the
State of Victoria as author.