Improving primary care for Aboriginal mothers in the Kimberley Region of Western Australia: A population based cluster randomised trial driven by local health service providers

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End date
Research partner(s)
University of Western Australia
Kimberley Aboriginal Medical Services

Paternal involvement during the antenatal period is recognised as a positive contributor to a child's health and developmental outcomes. Little is known about Aboriginal Australian men's experiences and perceptions during their partner's antenatal period. A qualitative yarning methodology was used to explore the experiences of ten Aboriginal Australian fathers during their partner's antenatal period, in a remote Northern Australian town.


“When I got the news”: Aboriginal fathers in the Kimberley region yarning about their experience of the antenatal period
Journal article
Emma Carlin,   Zaccariah Cox,  Erica Spry,  Conor Monahan, Julia V. Marley, David Atkinson
Health Promotion Journal of Australia
Publication date
Not listed.
Rights notice
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License, which permits use and distribution in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited, the use is non-commercial and no modifications or adaptations are made.© 2020 The Authors. 
Aboriginal women's experiences of strengths and challenges of antenatal care in the Kimberley: A qualitative study
Journal article
Kimberley H. Seear, Erica P. Spry, Emma Carlin, David N. Atkinson, Julia V. Marley
Women and Birth
Publication date
Not listed.