Breaking-the-Cycle for Incarcerated Parents: Towards Pro-Social Parenting

Research partner(s)
University of Technology Sydney (UTS)

This study aims to develop new knowledge about NSW incarcerated parents’ learning and support needs to enable a shift towards pro-social parenting practices.  The expected Breaking-the-Cycle (BTC) study outcomes include:

  • generation of new knowledge about incarcerated parents and their parenting including current knowledge, skills requirements, support needs and appropriate delivery points for parenting interventions;
  • an increased evidence base to inform CSNSW policies and inform the design and implementation of effective parenting support and education interventions for incarcerated parents;
  • enhanced understanding of the effectiveness of two parenting programs for parents in custody (and those run under CSNSW supervision in the community).


“Learning to become a better man”: Insights from a fathering programme for incarcerated Indigenous men
Journal article
Chris Rossiter, Tamara Power, Cathrine Fowler, Debra Jackson, Michael Roche, Angela Dawson
Australian Journal of Social Issues
Publication date
Not listed.
Rights notice
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License
Breaking The Cycle For Incarcerated Parents: Towards Pro-Social Parenting Final Report
Chris Rossiter, Cathrine Fowler, Tamara Power, Michael Roche, Angela Dawson and Debra Jackson
Publication date
Not listed.