Mibbinbah (Men's Spaces)

Start date
End date
Research partner(s)
Ngulli Gau-Rema Shed/Space
La Trobe University
The Lowitja Institute

This three-year research program aims to provide an understanding of what makes Indigenous Men’s Spaces safe and healthy places for men and how this might benefit families and communities. The program comes under the umbrella of the Chronic Conditions Program and can be thought of as two distinct but related projects: a Men’s Spaces pilot project, and a Men’s Chronic Conditions project. The first pilot project is jointly funded by the CRCAH and beyondblue and involves seven sites located mainly on Australia’s eastern seaboard. It aims to identify the essential characteristics of existing Indigenous Men’s Spaces through the employment of local Indigenous male Project Associates. 

The second project is partially funded by the CRCAH and seeks to understand if and why participation in chronic conditions programs by Indigenous males is improved through association with safe and well-facilitated Indigenous Men’s Spaces, and how this might benefit families and communities.


Mibbinbah Spirit Healing
Mibbinbah Spirit Healing
Publication date
Not listed.
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Promoting Indigenous Participation in Health Promotion Education Through Community-Based Participatory Research
Journal article
Jack Bulman, Rick Hayes
Aboriginal And Islander Health Worker Journal
Publication date
Not listed.
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Mibbinbah and Spirit Healing: Fostering Safe, Friendly Spaces for Indigenous Males in Australia
Journal article
Jack Bulman, Rick Hayes
International Journal of Men s Health
Publication date
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