Child and infant health

Learning to Talk, Talking to Learn: Effects of an early childhood language program in remote Northern Territory Indigenous communities

Learning to Talk, Talking to Learn: Effects of an early childhood language program in remote Northern Territory Indigenous communities.

Public health approach to child abuse and neglect: antecedents, outcomes and international comparisons of trends

Child maltreatment is a significant public health issue. Findings will identify characteristics of at-risk children, families and communities; mental health and juvenile justice outcomes.

Child health and development: a South Australian data linkage study

Children’s healthy development is important for their readiness to learn, academic achievement at school, and for their future health and economic capability.

Antenatal screening for fetal anomalies in Indigenous women: views of Indigenous people and their health care providers

This project aims to investigate the views of Indigenous women, their families and health service providers about antenatal screening tests for abnormalities like Down syndrome.

The Better Environmental Health, Housing and Child Health Study (BEHHCH)

Many Indigenous children experience poor growth and development. The proposed project will address this problem by introducing and testing system changes to create healthy living environments.

Safe Koori Kids: Community based approaches to Indigenous injury prevention

The study will involve the development of an intervention targeting Indigenous children, schools and families and schools in urban environments.

Improving social and economic outcomes for children of incarcerated mothers

This project aims to identify how children’s experiences of maternal incarceration shape their life course.

Developing a Service Integration Toolkit to improve the quality of adolescent mental health promotion services in Cape York: A program of mixed methods research

Services can benefit from stronger integration to seamlessly meet the mental health needs of Indigenous adolescents.

Strengthening social and emotional wellbeing of Australian Aboriginal people

In Australia, there is little empirical research of the racial identity of Indigenous children and youth as the majority of the current literature focuses on adults.

Longitudinal study of the health of urban Aboriginal youth

European colonisation had a devastating effect on the health and well-being of indigenous people in Australia.