Cultural knowledge

Djet Biyoo (Flower Awakening)

Since August 2020 we have completed two field trips and one on-Country consultation to Wudjari Country (Fitzgerald River National Park, WA).


Storylines is an Indigenous online archive managed and hosted by the State Library of Western Australia.

Indigenous Data Governance in Australia: Towards A National Framework

Australia's distinctive colonial administrative history has resulted in the generation and capture of large quantities of personal data about Indigenous Peoples in Australia, which is currently con

Growing up children in two worlds: Building Yolŋu skills, knowledge and priorities into early childhood assessment and support 

Project Aim:  To privilege Aboriginal knowledge and provide a deeper understanding of the priorities and practices of early childhood development from the perspectives of community members in

Quantifying the health benefits of on-country activities in the remote Indigenous community of Groote Eylandt

This project measured the benefits that the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people of Groote Eylandt gain when they go ‘on-country’.

Racism symposium and development of communication materials

Mibbinbah Project Leader Jack Bulman raised the profile of Mibbinbah at a February 2008 meeting of Indigenous male researchers in Alice Springs, which he helped organise.

Indigemoji Project

Werte! Emoji nhenhe-areye arrwekele anthurre Australia-kenhe. Tyerretye Arrernte-areye itnenhe mpwareke, Arrernte-kenhe apmerenge.  Tyerretye anwernekenhe-arle itnenhe-areye mpwareke.

Wirrawi Bubuwul – Aboriginal Women Strong

The scholastic success of Bolongaia (Maria Lock), at the Parramatta Native Institution in 1819, arguably positions her as an academic giant.