Data collection

Child health and development: a South Australian data linkage study

Children’s healthy development is important for their readiness to learn, academic achievement at school, and for their future health and economic capability.

Cross-cultural management of freshwater on resource-constrained islands

This project aims to develop a methodology for community-led adaptive water management on resource-constrained islands and will involve Indigenous communities in the development of predictive groun

Time-layered cultural map of Australia

The Time-layered cultural map (TLCMap) of Australia is an online research platform that will deliver researcher driven national-scale infrastructure for the humanities, focused on mapping, time ser

Western Australia from its collections

Collecting the West looks at what's been collected from Western Australia. What do these collections tell us about who we were, who we are and who we can be?

Talking Country: Sharing Indigenous stories of place through mobile media

This project aims to investigate how media technologies can facilitate cross-cultural engagement between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people.

Indigenous Lifecourse Research, Data Governance and Capacity Building

This project aims to contribute to rectifying 3 significant gaps in Indigenous research in relation to data; a lack of Indigenous lifecourse research to inform policy development; a lack of Indigen

Warrakan'puy Djäma: A new biocultural approach to fauna conservation

Warrakan'puy Djäma: A new biocultural approach to fauna conservation.

Colonial Frontier Massacres in Australia, 1788-1930

Violence on the Australian Colonial Frontier, 1788-1960. How many Aborigines and settlers were killed on the Australian frontier? Were they mostly killed in ones and twos or in mass killings?

In the Time of Their Lives. Wangka kutjupa-kutjuparringu: How talk has changed in the Western Desert

The Western Desert Verbal Arts Collection is a unique compilation of audio-visual recordings of the oral traditions and endangered speech styles of the Ngaanyatjarra, Ngaatjatjarra and Pitjantjatja

Aboriginal remote narrowcast TV and the audio-visual archive

This project aims to investigate the world’s best practices in community narrowcast digital TV and contemporary methods for the long-term storage of both digital and analogue audio-visual cultural