
Strengthening Australian languages: between policy and practice: 2022 Language Policy Symposium

Prior to colonisation, hundreds of Indigenous languages were spoken in Australia.

Learning to Talk, Talking to Learn: Effects of an early childhood language program in remote Northern Territory Indigenous communities

Learning to Talk, Talking to Learn: Effects of an early childhood language program in remote Northern Territory Indigenous communities.

Placenames and Personal Names in Yolngu Society and Country Through Time

Placenames and Personal Names in Yolngu Society and Country Through Time.

Landscape, language and culture in Indigenous Australia

This project aims to determine how culture and social diversity interact with landscape in representing physical space in the minds and grammars of speakers of Australian Indigenous languages.

How free is free?: word order in Australian Indigenous languages

This project aims to address the fundamental issue of how the grammatical structure of the language we speak shapes the way we plan and interpret sentences.

Noongar kaatdijin bidi: Noongar knowledge networks; or, Why is there no Noongar Wikipedia?

Our main achievement is the Noongarpedia incubator site, currently featuring 680 entries, for a planned Noongar-language version of Wikipedia, with community-developed content and Wikimedia-appropr

In the Time of Their Lives. Wangka kutjupa-kutjuparringu: How talk has changed in the Western Desert

The Western Desert Verbal Arts Collection is a unique compilation of audio-visual recordings of the oral traditions and endangered speech styles of the Ngaanyatjarra, Ngaatjatjarra and Pitjantjatja

Improving Communication with Aboriginal English Speakers: A Study of cultural conceptualisations in Aboriginal English

The project will explore cultural conceptualisations in Aboriginal English.

Breaking the silence - AI for Deaf mob


In Australia, Deaf and hard-of-hearing Aboriginal people face significant communication barriers, especially in legal and healthcare settings.

50 Words Project

This project aims to provide fifty words in every Indigenous language of Australia.