Stolen generations

Missing and murdered First Nations women and children

Please be aware that some submissions contain sensitive material, such as descriptions of deaths, violence and abuse, including of babies, children, young people and women.

What works? A qualitative exploration of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander healing programs that respond to family violence

This report presents findings from a research project that aimed to determine “what works” in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander healing programs across the nation that respond to family violenc

The politicised child in postcolonial community: a political ontology of childhood and memory examined through cases in Australia and Canada

The project investigates the meaning and use of childhood in recent political and social movements, such as the 'Stolen Generations' in Australia and sterilised children in Canada.

Invisible practices: Intervention with fathers who use violence

Acknowledgement of lived experiences of violence

Ancestors' words: Noongar writing in WA government archives (1860-1960s)

This project aims to produce the first account of Noongar letter writing in Western Australian archives from 1860 to 1960.

Aboriginal child restoration from out-of-home care: pathways for success

The soaring rates of Indigenous children living in out-of-home care requires an urgent response.

A demographic and socio-medical history of the Aboriginal People of Victoria 1800-2000: reconstitutions and epidemiological analysis

We have produced a world-first historical demographic and epidemiological database that will be of continuing cultural and professional value to the Indigenous and research communities, and which c

A history of Aboriginal Sydney since 1788

Please note: The language used in some of the outputs for this project reflects particular viewpoints of the time and context in which they were created and which may be considered inappropria