Tertiary education

Human Capital: ABS and RBA Joint Conference – 2024

This paper was written for the Australian Bureau of Statistics/Reserve Bank of Australia conference on Human Capital in June 2024.

Higher Education Statistics

The Higher Education student data collection encompasses enrolments, equivalent full time student load (unit of study data) and completions, and is reported by all Higher Education Providers.

Testing a new model for addressing covert racism faced by Indigenous youth

Racism is associated with poor mental health among Indigenous youth (14-25 years). Previous research has examined overt forms of racism but overlooked subtle and covert forms.

Developing Indigenous Australian early career researchers

This project aims to use institutional theory to examine the professional experiences of Indigenous Australian early career researchers.

Adult literacy and Aboriginal community well-being in western NSW

Adult literacy and Aboriginal community well-being in western NSW. This project aims to examine the effect of an adult literacy campaign on Aboriginal communities in New South Wales.

‘Which way? Talking culture, talking race’: Unpacking an Indigenous cultural competency course

In Australia, organisations identify Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cross-cultural awareness training or Indigenous cultural competency training as a means to address the service needs of Ab

Opportunities and resilience: Enablers to address barriers for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to commence and complete higher degree research programs

The research for this project was undertaken at a large, multi-campus, metropolitan Australian university and involved a qualitative, culturally appropriate research design based on yarning circles