Personalised Medicines for Aboriginal People

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Research partner(s)
University of Adelaide

Medicines are not effective in all people and harmful effects from normal doses can cause suffering and even death. Ethnicity due to genetic factors can cause some medicines to be ineffective or toxic.

There is little knowledge on drug genetics of Aboriginal people in contrast to Caucasians. We will study all the major drug genetic factors in groups of Aboriginal people and compare this to other ethnicities to inform physicians as to the optimal drug and dose to prescribe Aboriginal people.


High and variable population prevalence of HLA-B*56:02 in Indigenous Australians and relation to phenytoin-associated drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms
Journal article
Andrew A. Somogyi, Daniel T. Barratt, Elizabeth J. Phillips, Kylies Moore, Fahmida Ilyas, Genevieve M. Gabb
British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology
Publication date