Kiacatoo Man: biology, archaeology and environment at the Last Glacial Maximum. What were the origins of the first Australians, and how have they changed through time?

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Research partner(s)
Griffith University
Australian National University

What were the origins of the first Australians, and how have they changed through time? This project will focus on the riverine environment, archaeology and human biology of 'Kiacatoo Man', ancient remains that were excavated last year from glacial-age sands of the southern Murray-Darling Basin. To do this, the study investigates its potential for identifying possible human burials alongside the grave site of Kiacatoo Man in central New South Wales. In 2011, the weathered remains of this individual were discovered in a levee of an ancient course of the Lachlan River.


A multi-method approach to dating the burial and skeleton of Kiacatoo Man, New South Wales, Australia
Journal article
Pietsch, T., Kemp, J., Pardoe, C., GrĂ¼n, R., Olley, J. and Wood, R.
Journal of Quaternary Science
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This is the author manuscript accepted for publication and undergone full peer review but has not been through the copyediting, typesetting, pagination and proofreading process, which may lead to differences between this version and the Version of Record. Please cite this article as doi: 10.1002/jqs.3165.

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A ground penetrating radar survey near the excavated burial site of Kiacatoo Ma
Journal article
Kemp, J., Gontz, A., Pardoe, C., Pietsch, T. and Olley, J.
Quaternary Australasia
Publication date