Invisible practices: Intervention with fathers who use violence

Research partner(s)
University of Melbourne
Australia's National Research Organisation for Women's Safety (ANROWS)

Acknowledgement of lived experiences of violence

Caution: Some people may find parts of this content confronting or distressing. Recommended support services include: If you, or someone you know, are feeling worried or no good, we encourage you to connect with 13YARN on 13 92 76 (24 hours/7 days) and talk with an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander Crisis Supporter, 1800 RESPECT – 1800 737 732, and Lifeline – 13 11 14. It is important to acknowledge the lives and experiences of the women and children affected by domestic, family, sexual violence and neglect, who are represented in this report. It is important to recognise the individual stories of courage, hope and resilience that form the basis of ANROWS research.

This project aimed to provide an evidence base for intervening with fathers who use domestic and family violence (DFV), in order to enhance support for women and children living with DFV. The project is a part of ANROWS’s Perpetrator Interventions Research Stream.
The project delivered an evidence-informed Practice Guide for workers and highlights the need for organisations to undertake systemic change to embed new practice approaches.

Structured interventions with men who use violence mostly occur through the criminal justice system and specialist men’s behaviour change programs. While other services, such as child protection and family support services, work with fathers who use violence, this work has never been documented or formalised. In other words, to date, this work has been largely “invisible”.

The project’s findings are structured around four themes:

key skills identified for working with fathers who use violence and control;
key factors identified in partnering with women;
key skills in ensuring a focus on children and young people; and
the role of organisations and practitioner capacity building.

The project built upon earlier ANROWS research, including the PATRICIA (PAThways and Research Into Collaborative Inter-Agency practice) project, which investigated fostering collaboration between child protection and specialist DFV services.

The Invisible Practices project also draws on evidence from other existing research, the expertise of practitioners in four states and the technical skills and knowledge of the US-based Safe & Together Institute’s consultants David Mandel and Kyle Pinto.


Invisible Practices: Intervention with fathers who use violence
Final report 
Healey, L., Humphreys, C., Tsantefski, M., Heward-Belle, S., & Mandel, D.
Publication date
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This licence lets others distribute, remix and build upon the work, but only if it is for non-commercial purposes and they credit the original creator/s (and any other nominated parties). They do not have to license their Derivative Works on the same terms. Version 3.0 (CC Australia ported licence): View CC BY-NC Australia Licence Deed | View CC BY-NC 3.0 Australia Legal Code Version 4.0 (international licence): View CC BY-NC 4.0 Licence Deed | View CC BY-NC 4.0 Legal Code
INVISIBLE PRACTICES: Working with fathers who use violence
Conference proceeding 
Safe & Together Institute
Publication date
Rights notice
© 2020 Safe & Together Institute
Invisible Practices Working with fathers who use violence PRACTICE GUIDE
Research Handbook
Healey, L., Humphreys, C., Tsantefski, M., Heward-Belle, S., Chung, D., & Mandel, D.
Publication date
Rights notice
Creative Commons Licence Attribution-Non Commercial CC BY-NC This licence lets others distribute, remix and build upon the work, but only if it is for non-commercial purposes and they credit the original creator/s (and any other nominated parties). They do not have to license their Derivative Works on the same terms. Version 4.0 (international licence): View CC BY-NC 4.0 Licence Deed | View CC BY-NC 4.0 Legal Code