Early childhood education

Child health and development: a South Australian data linkage study

Children’s healthy development is important for their readiness to learn, academic achievement at school, and for their future health and economic capability.

Transforming the Study of Australian Literary Cultures through a Collaborative eResearch Environment: Children's Literature Digital Resources Project (CLDR)

Led by Queensland University of Technology, in partnership with the University of Queensland and the University of Sydney, the project aims to digitise a selection of early Australian children&#039

Strong Start – Bright Futures Evaluation Collection Charles Darwin University

Much of the community level data which will be compiled is publicly available.

Conditions for Success to Enhance Aboriginal Education

Aboriginal students remain the most educationally disadvantaged Australians.

Dharaŋanamirr dhukarr guŋga'yunaraw djamarrkuḻiw’ ga gurruṯumirriw marŋgikunharaw ḏälkunharaw gakaḻ’wun dhiyakun märrmaw’nha romgun: Understanding pathways to support Yolŋu children and families to achieve strong learning in two systems.

Dharraŋanamirr dhukarr guŋgayunaraw djamarrkuḻiw ga gurruṯumirriw marŋgikunharaw ḏälkunharaw gakalwun dhiyakun marrmaw’nha romgun.

Footprints in Time - The Longitudinal Study of Indigenous Children (LSIC)

Footprints in Time: The Longitudinal Study of Indigenous Children (LSIC) is an initiative of the Australian Government.