Literacy and numeracy

Aboriginal/Indigenous students in high school: Understanding their motivation, engagement, academic buoyancy, and achievement

Academic buoyancy has been defined as a capacity to overcome setbacks, challenges, and difficulties that are part of everyday academic life.

Responding to Indigenous students' and their communities' voiced experiences regarding effective teaching practices: a catholic education initiative

The study presents the outcomes of the first two phases of a four phase Australian-based research initiative which seeks to support a better understanding of classroom practices that have value in

Transforming the Study of Australian Literary Cultures through a Collaborative eResearch Environment: Children's Literature Digital Resources Project (CLDR)

Led by Queensland University of Technology, in partnership with the University of Queensland and the University of Sydney, the project aims to digitise a selection of early Australian children&#039

Co-designing Indigenous education policy in Queensland

The Australian Government consistently reports the lack of progress in relation to improving educational outcomes for Indigenous Australians.

Cultivating Capability: Explicating Critical Psychosocial Drivers of Educational Outcomes and Wellbeing for High-Ability Aboriginal Students

The project has conceptualised and validated a new multidimensional model and measure of wellbeing for Aboriginal high-ability students.

Adult literacy and Aboriginal community well-being in western NSW

Adult literacy and Aboriginal community well-being in western NSW. This project aims to examine the effect of an adult literacy campaign on Aboriginal communities in New South Wales.

Breaking the silence - AI for Deaf mob


In Australia, Deaf and hard-of-hearing Aboriginal people face significant communication barriers, especially in legal and healthcare settings.

Aboriginal adult literacy campaign

In 2012, the remote Aboriginal community of Wilcannia in western NSW hosted the first Australian pilot of a Cuban mass adult literacy campaign model known as Yes I Can.

“In Their Own Voice”—Incorporating Underlying Social Determinants into Aboriginal Health Promotion Programs 

Despite growing acknowledgement of the socially determined nature of health disparities among Aboriginal people, how to respond to this within health promotion programs can be challenging.

Developing early literacies in informal settings: The importance of cultural representation in an Aboriginal playgroup

This paper presents the results of a yearlong study within an Aboriginal playgroup on the outskirts of Western Sydney.