
Pathways, policies and prevention: better outcomes for western Australian children

Pathways, policies and prevention: better outcomes for western Australian children.

Public health approach to child abuse and neglect: antecedents, outcomes and international comparisons of trends

Child maltreatment is a significant public health issue. Findings will identify characteristics of at-risk children, families and communities; mental health and juvenile justice outcomes.

Enhancing children’s journeys through Out of Home Care: A multi-perspective study

Researchers at The University of Queensland, Life Course Centre, in collaboration with a range of partner organisations, will undertake a three-year study to examine children’s experiences of out-o

Alcohol treatment for Aboriginal men in and out of prison

Over half the Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander people entering prison in NSW have unhealthy alcohol use (drinking over recommended limits, including alcohol dependence).

Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal women perpetrators of violence: a trial of a prison-based intervention (Beyond Violence)

The proposed study will be the first of its kind in Australia to test a violence prevention program (Beyond Violence) targeting mental health, substance use and violence among incarcerated female o

Embedding Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Lived Experience voices in mental health and suicide prevention: Evaluating the journey of network members of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Lived Experience Centre

Recent years have witnessed a significant increase in the inclusion of “Lived Experience” across mental health and suicide prevention initiatives including research, policy development, and project

Existing knowledge, practice and responses to  violence against women in Australian Indigenous  communities

This paper is a comprehensive review of published literature to present the current state of knowledge, practice and responses to violence against women in Australian Indigenous communities.