Health justice

Stigma and discrimination and their detrimental impact on social inclusion and health and well-being

Stigma and discrimination and their detrimental impact on social inclusion and health and well-being.

Providing real-time feedback on diet quality in remote Indigenous communities to support policy makers and other key stakeholders in making decisions to improve food supply and access in remote Indigenous communities.

Poor diet underpins the excessive burden of preventable chronic disease experienced by Indigenous Australians living in remote communities.

Building An Indigenist Health Humanities Collective

This proposal aims to develop Indigenist Health Humanities as a new and innovative field of inquiry, building an intellectual collective capable of bridging the knowledge gap that hinders current e

Planning for a better life under the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)

This project aims to analyse and define the experiences and expectations of people with disability in rural and remote regions.

Breaking the silence

While some Deaf and Hard of Hearing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders rely on Australian Sign Language (Auslan) to communicate, others use traditional Aboriginal and Kriol (Torres Strait Islan

“Cultural Security Is an On-Going Journey” Exploring Views from Staff Members on the Quality and Cultural Security of Services for Aboriginal Families in Western Australia

Cultural security is a key element of accessible services for Indigenous peoples globally, although few studies have examined this empirically.

Winnunga prison health study

This project was initiated by the Winnunga Nimmityjah Aboriginal Health Service (WNAHS) in response to the construction of the ACT’s first prison, the Alexander Maconochie Correctional Centre, whic

Racism symposium and development of communication materials

Mibbinbah Project Leader Jack Bulman raised the profile of Mibbinbah at a February 2008 meeting of Indigenous male researchers in Alice Springs, which he helped organise.

Doing the hard yards': Carer and provider focus group perspectives of accessing Aboriginal childhood disability services

Despite a high prevalence of disability, Aboriginal Australians access disability services in Australia less than non-Aboriginal Australians with a disability.