
Justice Reinvestment in Australia: conceptual foundations for criminal justice innovation

Justice Reinvestment in Australia: conceptual foundations for criminal justice innovation.

Conviction Politics: A digital investigation of the convict routes of Australian democracy

Conviction Politics is an international digital history project exploring the impact of radicals and rebels transported as political convicts to Australia on their place of exile, and the patterns

Improving social and economic outcomes for children of incarcerated mothers

This project aims to identify how children’s experiences of maternal incarceration shape their life course.

Community sanctions in Australian criminal justice

Australia’s prison population is booming.

Unlocking the learning potential of incarcerated and low SES young people

This project aims to address the gap between incarcerated young people's (10-17 years) education and their future education, training and employment opportunities.

Indigenous Justice Reports: new narratives and practices in sentencing

This project engages a participatory action research model to assess the impact of Indigenous Justice Reports in criminal sentencing on sentence practices and outcomes for Indigenous women.

Bringing Indigenous voices into judicial decision-making

This project aims to show how judgments can be written so as to be inclusive of Indigenous people's voices and histories.

Dimensions of Delinquency: Exploring the prevalence and frequency of offending in the Western Australian population

Adopting a criminal career/developmental approach, the research seeks to document the prevalence and frequency of offending in the Western Australian population and identify observable group differ

Alcohol treatment for Aboriginal men in and out of prison

Over half the Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander people entering prison in NSW have unhealthy alcohol use (drinking over recommended limits, including alcohol dependence).

Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal women perpetrators of violence: a trial of a prison-based intervention (Beyond Violence)

The proposed study will be the first of its kind in Australia to test a violence prevention program (Beyond Violence) targeting mental health, substance use and violence among incarcerated female o