Mental health

Health and wellbeing in rural and remote communities supported by the RFDS

The Royal Flying Doctor Service Public Health research Unit has partnered with the Australian National University and other organisations to improve the health and wellbeing of rural and remote Aus

Improving social and economic outcomes for children of incarcerated mothers

This project aims to identify how children’s experiences of maternal incarceration shape their life course.

Aboriginal people with mental and cognitive disabilities in the criminal justice system

This project addresses the high over-representations of Indigenous persons with mental health and cognitive disabilities in Australian criminal justice systems.

Developing a Service Integration Toolkit to improve the quality of adolescent mental health promotion services in Cape York: A program of mixed methods research

Services can benefit from stronger integration to seamlessly meet the mental health needs of Indigenous adolescents.

Transforming Lives and Communities: Impact of Quality Indigenous Education

This research project, undertaken by IPPE in partnership with The Scots College, will explore the impact of Indigenous education programs in transforming lives and communities.

Assessing the health needs of older Indigenous Australians living in the Kimberley

This study was designed to address the need for accurate assessment of the health care needs of older Indigenous people, particularly in remote regions of Australia.

“That makes all the difference”: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health-seeking on social media

Professor Bronwyn Carlson is an Aboriginal woman who was born on and lives on D'harawal Country in NSW Australia

Cannabis and mental health in Cape York Aboriginal communities

High rates of cannabis use and dependence are key factors contributing to the high mental health burden in Indigenous Australians.

Strengthening social and emotional wellbeing of Australian Aboriginal people

In Australia, there is little empirical research of the racial identity of Indigenous children and youth as the majority of the current literature focuses on adults.

Longitudinal study of the health of urban Aboriginal youth

European colonisation had a devastating effect on the health and well-being of indigenous people in Australia.