Traditional food and medicine

Our country, our healer: exploring the traditional lithotherapeutics of the Aboriginal pharmacopoeia

Aboriginal people of the Greater Hunter region of New South Wales had access to two exceptional geological formations, which provided them with access to valuable mineral resources.

Australia’s Epic Story

Now is the Time to tell a culturally inclusive, globally significant human and environmental history of Australia. We like to call it, Australia’s Epic Story.

Indigenous knowledge futures: protecting and promoting indigenous knowledge

This project seeks to identify ways to protect biodiversity-related Indigenous knowledge.

Plant Business - Cooperative Research Centre for Remote Economic Participation (CRC-REP)

The Plant Business project concluded in June 2017.

Food, Traditional Aboriginal Knowledge and the Expansion of the Settler Economy

Food, Traditional Aboriginal Knowledge and the Expansion of the Settler Economy.

A Model for Integrating Cultural Knowledge Systems and Western Science in the Management of Wadandi Boodja (Margaret River), Western Australia

This project demonstrates a pathway to re-embed a Wadandi Songline as a conservation corridor in a socially and ecologically fragmented landscape.

Garragal Project

This project creates opportunities for reconnection to traditional language and cultural knowledge through physical, spiritual and environmental practices with plants and animals on country through

Djet Biyoo (Flower Awakening)

Since August 2020 we have completed two field trips and one on-Country consultation to Wudjari Country (Fitzgerald River National Park, WA).