Children and young people

Enhancing children’s journeys through Out of Home Care: A multi-perspective study

Researchers at The University of Queensland, Life Course Centre, in collaboration with a range of partner organisations, will undertake a three-year study to examine children’s experiences of out-o

Developing a Service Integration Toolkit to improve the quality of adolescent mental health promotion services in Cape York: A program of mixed methods research

Services can benefit from stronger integration to seamlessly meet the mental health needs of Indigenous adolescents.

Indigenous peoples’ experiences of cyberbullying: An assemblage approach

A recent nationally representative survey by the Australia Institute (2019) found that 39% of Australians have experienced some form of cyber-hatred and violence, and that it has cost the Australia

Indigenous young people's resilience and wellbeing

While some Indigenous youth in situations of adversity can experience the impact of negative behaviours and health outcomes; others do not.

Northland Secondary College: Koori kids' education

This project, initiated via the Aboriginal History Archive, used extensive community engagement to re-gather the Aboriginal & non-Aboriginal students, parents, staff and community artists &

Aboriginal child restoration from out-of-home care: pathways for success

The soaring rates of Indigenous children living in out-of-home care requires an urgent response.

Preparing Aboriginal students in remote communities for life beyond school

This project aims to better prepare young Aboriginal adults as they transition from Vocational Education and Training school education to life beyond school, including into the workplace.

Adult literacy and Aboriginal community well-being in western NSW

Adult literacy and Aboriginal community well-being in western NSW. This project aims to examine the effect of an adult literacy campaign on Aboriginal communities in New South Wales.

Strengthening social and emotional wellbeing of Australian Aboriginal people

In Australia, there is little empirical research of the racial identity of Indigenous children and youth as the majority of the current literature focuses on adults.

Strong Start – Bright Futures Evaluation Collection Charles Darwin University

Much of the community level data which will be compiled is publicly available.