
Victorian Government Aboriginal Affairs Report

Each year, the Victorian Government Aboriginal Affairs Report is a chance to consider how the Victorian Government has tracked against commitments to improving outcomes for Aboriginal Victorian

Missing and murdered First Nations women and children

Please be aware that some submissions contain sensitive material, such as descriptions of deaths, violence and abuse, including of babies, children, young people and women.

What works? A qualitative exploration of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander healing programs that respond to family violence

This report presents findings from a research project that aimed to determine “what works” in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander healing programs across the nation that respond to family violenc

Invisible practices: Intervention with fathers who use violence

Acknowledgement of lived experiences of violence

Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal sex-offenders in Australia: Assessing risk for practice and policy

*Content warning. Information on this page may be triggering to some readers.

Strong Dads Strong Futures 

This is an explanatory study that aims to identify Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander males’ views to define parenting from their perspectives in line with the broader cultural understanding of

Health literacy among young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander males in the Northern Territory

Aim: to understand the interplay between health literacy, gender and cultural identity among young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander males living in the Northern Territory.

Mibbinbah (Men's Spaces)

This three-year research program aims to provide an understanding of what makes Indigenous Men’s Spaces safe and healthy places for men and how this might benefit families and communities.

First Nations Men Experiencing Fatherhood: a meta-synthesis of qualitative literature

Evidence suggests that positive parenting can impact men’s mental wellbeing and child development, and male parents have a unique and critically important role as parents.

Closing the (incarceration) gap: assessing the socio-economic and clinical indicators of indigenous males by lifetime incarceration status

Approximately 1 in 5 to 1 in 6 Indigenous Australian males are currently imprisoned or have previously been imprisoned.